Saturday, 21 February 2009

Update: Pendragons DVDs Volume 2 Delay

I'm currently working on Vol. 2 of the Pendragon's DVD set, which is dedicated entirely to the Sub Trunk! Remarkable!

For those who don't know how my review process works, I am sent items and try to post a review within 1-2 weeks of receiving them. The review process varies for Books, Tricks and DVDs, for example, if a DVD is very involved, I watch the DVD 4 times, sometimes more depending on the subject. The first time I watch, the second time with comments on my laptop and the third time I revise and include bits I might have missed. Additional viewings vary depending on the subject and the depth of information.

Since this Sub Trunk DVD is legendary I am not rushing it and have viewed the DVD more times than I wish to admit but you guys are in for a treat!

Might even have a couple surprises in store!

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